You think you would notice if someone was lodged in your windshield, but I guess some people are oblivious.

A 56-year-old man in Wisconsin became lodged in a guys windshield after he was hit while on his bike.

Here's the thing, the guy didn't notice that there was someone in his windshield until he got home. The driver didn't respond to the guy after he say, "Hello, I am the guy you hit on the bicycle." In fact, the 20-year-old driver continued to drive to his home, running a stop sign and hitting another car.

When he arrived at his house he finally noticed the guy in his windshield and freaked out. He asked who the guy was and then got out of the car, locked the doors and went into his house, all with the guy still in his windshield.. The 56-year-old man pulled himself into the car, unlocked the door and began walking home. Witness called the cops, who took the man to the hospital where he had glass removed from his eyes and had cuts on his head and legs treated. The driver was found at his home and is not charged yet but was believed to have been drunk.

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