CSU Research Project Highlights The Importance of Microgreens
You've heard of sprouts. You've heard of baby greens. But what, exactly, are microgreens?
Colorado State University is pioneering a study in their Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition led by Sarah Johnson, an assistant professor and director of the Functional Foods & Human Health Laboratory. But why are they spending so much time on microgreens?
According to this story by Source.Colorastate.edu, microgreens "use very little water and can be harvested quickly. It makes them a model of sustainability: They can be grown indoors, year-round, in cities and rural communities, in greenhouses, warehouses, vertical farms and even homes."
Sounds perfect, right? This study centers around seeing if people will actually accept and eat microgreens in Colorado, and if the demand for sustainable food will mean more grocery stores carrying them in the future.
The study is still in progress, so maybe soon we'll see more microgreens on our plates in Colorado...and maybe we'll even start growing them ourselves. To read more about this study, head to this link.
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