Out of my four years at Colorado State University, I luckily only had to deal with parking for the last two (my high school-age sister had my car before that).  Unfortunately, once I had my car, my cocky, naive college self tempted the campus parking fates one too many times.

I remember the first time I got a ticket for parking on campus without a permit, the fine was $15.  "Well," thought college-me, "I guess that's a small price to pay.  After all, I was running late, and that prof. knocks tons of points off for being tardy."  So I gladly payed the fine, honestly not really having learned my lesson.

Then, the summer between my junior and senior year, I decided to take a summer class to make my last year at CSU less stressful.  I didn't bother buying a parking pass, since it was my sincere belief that parking restrictions weren't enforced in the Summertime.  I was wrong.

So I got another ticket.  As I reached to retrieve it from my windshield, I was fully prepared to pay the $15 and go on living.  But that's not what happened.

The fine had been raised to $30.  Okay, lesson learned.  "Well-played, CSU," I thought.  "Well-played, indeed.  I'll just pay the $1 per hour parking fee at the meter from now on."

So I told you that very elaborate parking story to tell you this one.  CSU is raising parking (and parking violation) costs again.

Starting Monday, daily pass rates will increase from $6 to $8, while meter pay stations are going from $1 per hour to $1.25 per hour, a Parking Services news release said.

Forget to feed the meter? That fine is changing from $20 to $30, while parking without a required permit will now cost you $45, instead of $30. Those who alter parking permits will face a $225 fine, up from $150.

The silver lining?  Costs of commuter permits (like the one I never bought) aren't changing.  So that's nice...kinda.

CSU says it's raising parking prices to help fund improvements to transportation around campus; and this includes a possible campus shuttle, something that was sorely lacking when I went there.

Bottom line: Progress is good, but it's also expensive.  Don't forget to feed the meter!

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