It seems the powers that be at Colorado State University are eager to get the ball rolling on a new on-campus stadium.

The Coloradoan reports that the Governing Board at CSU has voted unanimously to move forward with the new stadium project.

This does not mean construction crews will be breaking ground on the stadium right away, however.

The board has given the okay to begin fundraising efforts for half of the cost of the stadium, as CSU President Tony Frank stipulated earlier this week.

If CSU hits the philanthropic fundraising target in two years, Frank is asked to update the board... At that time, if they chose to proceed with the project, board members would look at what type of bonding the system would incur and the debt service that would match up with revenues that have at that point in time, Chair Joseph Zimlich said.

When the board of Governors meets in October 2014, Frank will be expected to give his official recommendation on whether or not to continue with the new stadium efforts.

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