Colorado Viral Video Star Lands Show on Animal Planet
Remember this viral star? It's an adorable clip of Dr. Ross Henderson, a Colorado State University alum, singing to a nervous pup in order to get him to sleep.
After the video share went viral, Ross and his brother Ryan landed the show "Hanging With the Hendersons", which, as Colorado State reports in their caption, premieres tonight.
Ross and his brother work at Fox Hollow Animal Hospital in Lakewood, where the show will supposedly take place. Animal Planet describes the show on their website: "In this exciting new series, Animal Planet’s global audiences will meet the rest of the Henderson clan, and experience the joy and empathy they bring to every animal in their care - from parrots and puppies, to guinea pigs and goats."
The show airs tonight at 9 PM ET/PT. For more information, you can head to Animal Planet's show page right here. Our guess, ladies, is that you can expect a lot more of this on-screen:
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