You might remember a few weeks back when Amazon announced their plans to start delivering packages via drone. Well, one Colorado man says he plans to shoot down any drone that comes near his property.

According to the National Journal, this guy lives in Deer Trail, Colorado, and wrote an ordinance that his town will vote on tomorrow, to allow drone hunting. (The measure would allow citizens of Deer Trail to purchase $25 drone-hunting licenses and bring pieces of shot-down drones in for a bounty.)

You can read more about this guy and the details behind the drone hunting from the National Journal, but basically he says that as a culture we are to eager to play with new toys before we create rules and laws to make them safe and secure.

Basically, he's creating a farce to make his central point: What does the mass proliferation of drones mean for privacy? For property rights? If a drone flies within 1,000 feet of a person's airspace, is that a trespass?

I'm guessing Amazon drones won't be flying anywhere near Deer Trail because even if the ordinance doesn't pass, this guy says he'll shoot them down anyways.

I would shoot it down, ordinance or no, I would shoot it down...I will shoot it down and go to jail with a smile over my face.

What do you think, is a drone flying over your property or in 'your' airspace and invasion of privacy?

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