We hear scary statistics about COVID-19 every single day, such as the number of infected patients in Colorado (that number, by the way, is on our NoCo Virus Tracker). While it's important to stay informed, it's also hard calculate the full impact of the coronavirus in Colorado since, according to The Denver Post, the number of recoveries is unknown.

Thanks to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the number of infected patients in Colorado currently hovers at 2,966 (at the time of this publication). And while state officials say a lot of the ambiguity on recoveries is because many patients are still in the hospital receiving care, the Denver Post says that "full recovery numbers are difficult to compute because the vast majority of people who get the novel coronavirus recover in their homes without medical attention."

Boulder County is currently the only area running a "symptom check", where a medical professional will check up on those who originally tested positive for COVID-19 to see if they've recovered. But as the numbers of the infected rise, this system may not be able to be implemented effectively for long.

You can stay updated on all the latest COVID-19 NoCo news at the button below.

COVID-19 Testing Site


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