You may have seen the video we posted last week about a bearded dragon playing a game called 'Ant Crusher' on his owner's smartphone. Someone else  didn't want to be outdone and took video if their African bullfrog doing the same thing.

One problem, it seems the frog got a little angry after hitting it's face against the phone a few times and clamped its jaws down on its owner's finger.

Hmm, would would have though a frog bit could be that painful?

I can't really blame the frog. It seems kind of cruel to let it think it's getting a tasty snack and instead it smacks it's face into a glass screen. If someone put a glass screen up between me and a hamburger and started laughing at me I'd bite them too.

Did anyone else notice the frog seemed to be a lot better at the game than the bearded dragon was? In case you want to compare here's the bearded dragon video.

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