Have you heard of Clive Palmer before? He is a billionaire from Australia, and I think he might just have too much money. He has already commissioned a Chinese company to build a complete, life-sized replica of the Titanic. And now he has his sights set on making a real-life Jurassic Park.

Seriously, he is dumping money into trying to clone dinosaurs just like in the movie (Because that worked out so well in the film.)

According to the Sunshine Coast Times,

The controversial billionaire is rumored to be planning to clone a dinosaur from DNA so he can set it free in a Jurassic Park-style area at his new Palmer Resort in Coolum.

Clive Palmer

Palmer is rumored to have been talking to the same people that cloned Dolly the Sheep to bring his dinosaur dreams to life.

Palmer himself yet refused to comment on the matter so far.

This kind of stuff makes Mark Cuban's shenanigans look pretty tame.

Now the dinosaur lover in me is actually really intrigued to see if this can be done, but for once, it may be wise to heed the Hollywood warnings. Bringing back giant carnivorous creatures from the dead might not be the step forward humanity has been waiting for.

that being said, I'd be first in line to visit the park it it did ever happen.

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