I learned an awkward lesson his afternoon (And probably one I should have already known). One of my co-workers walked in to the studio today and about fell over laughing after I greeted her. Sometimes I think I'm funny, but never that funny. After I gaze her a quizzical look she told me to look in the mirror.

When I did, I saw that my lips were bright red. Not just a little red, we're talking "To-Wong Foo" red. Apparently my afternoon snack of an oven-roasted beet wasn't the best choice for today.

My pretty red lips.

My wife and I have fresh beets that we picked from my in-law's garden and in the process of cleaning them we learned that they stain everything. We had been extra careful not to get that magenta hue on any of our carpet or the counters of our new house, but I never thought about what a mouthful of beet might do to my mouth.

I'm just glad I didn't eat this on the way to an important meeting our something.

And at least I was able to make someone laugh, and as my favorite quote goes, "If you can laugh at yourself, you'll never cease to be amused."

Although, I think a shade of "beet-red' might be just what some ladies might be looking for in a lipstick...maybe I should patent the idea if it hasn't already been done.

And in case anyone else has a run in with a bad beet stain, here is how to get rid of beet stains from Good Housekeeping.

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