It's hard to believe that 11 years ago, we as a nation, experienced a tragedy that would forever change us. I don't have a heroic story, nor do I have a "I was there" story. My story is just a simple, "where were you when the towers were hit?" I remember waking up that day a little bit later than usual and running around the house trying to get ready for school. My parents had left the news on when they left for work, but I was rushing around trying to get ready so I was pretty oblivious to what was on the screen. I jumped in my pick up and went to go pick up a couple of friends that were carpooling with me to school. Weird that day I didn't turn on the radio either and apparently my friends didn't have the news on either. I remember after I picked up my second friend, we were heading back to the main road to head to school and there was a car pulled over on the side of the road with the family standing next to it. Since my parents taught me to be helpful to others, I rolled down my window and asked if they needed help and they said, "no, we are just praying for our nation and you. Be safe." I didn't really know what to say to that because its not everyday that I hear that. I said thanks and headed to school.

When we arrived at school, things felt off. That's the best way I can explain it. I hurried to my locker to grab my stuff and headed to my first class of the day, German. My teacher had a tv in there with the news on and immediately one of my classmates looked at me and said, "can you believe this sh*t? It's so unreal." I gave them a confused look and then looked at the tv. As soon as I saw the images of the towers burning, I lost my breath. I just stood there with my mouth open, trying to comprehend what I was looking at. When they showed the plane flying into the towers, I sat down dumbfounded. We spent the rest of the class just watching the news. Hearing about the towers, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.

The rest of the day at school was almost like a dream. Just going from class to class and talking about what was going on, what had happened and watching the news. Hearing about tragic losses for families and heroic stories, one right after another. I remember a wave of emotions that fled over me that day and honestly, when I really think about it, I still get those waves. I know what I felt was nothing compared to what others have felt. The sadness and loss. The hurt and pain. My heart went and still goes out to those who lost loved ones and to the heroic men and women that put themselves at risk to save others and to the ones who paid the ultimate price to help a fellow human being.

Sometimes I forget how good I have it. There are times where I am about to get upset or angry about something petty and I have to stop myself and just remember.

Take time today to remember the victims, the men and women that risked it all to help complete strangers and the brave firefighters and police who put there lives on the line to save as many people as possible.

Remember, we are all on this earth together and we shouldn't need a tragedy to unite and get along.


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