Fill up on fresh fruit and veggies this summer! Not only are they delicious, refreshing and sometimes thirst-quenching, but they are jam-packed with health benefits too!

Many produce items are in their "peak season" during the summer months, resulting in better quality fruits and vegetables based on their texture, freshness, and even taste.

Plus, prices at the grocery store for certain produce items, such as blueberries, will be less expensive during the summer season, as they have not had to have been shipped to Colorado from so many miles away. Remember to also check out the local farmers' markets, where you can always find fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables, while also supporting your local economy.

If you're not a huge fan of eating these foods plain, or if you have a picky eater at home, it's always fun to add fruits to a salad or jazz up a pasta dish with a some extra veggies. Combining fresh produce together in a smoothie is also a refreshing idea  to try for the hot summer months. Get creative and enjoy being healthy at the same time this summer with these top eight summer foods.

  • camelot1671, Thinkstock
    camelot1671, Thinkstock


    Watermelon is a perfect, thirst-quenching, summer treat! Not only is it tasty, but watermelon has tons of health benefits too. This juicy fruit contains vitamins A, B6, and C, all of which help boost the immune system, and is also packed with the antioxidant, lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of cancer. Plus, it's great for the heart, and contains absolutely no cholesterol, sodium, or fat.

  • Viktar, Thinkstock
    Viktar, Thinkstock


    Cucumbers make a great addition to any salad, or you could sauté some slices and toss them in with a few tomatoes and olives for a light pasta dish. They are very high in water content, which makes them a refreshing choice during the hot summer months, while also keeping you hydrated. Being a terrific source of vitamin C and silica, it's no surprise that this veggie does wonders for the skin, and can even reduce swelling. They also help prevent to Alzheimer's disease and work to buffer the effects of stress. Going on a date? Munch on some slices of cucumber ahead of time to freshen your breath.

  • Maksym Narodenko, Thinkstock
    Maksym Narodenko, Thinkstock


    Enjoy the summer sun, fire up the grill and throw on some freshly picked ears of corn for a delicious accompaniment to any lunch or dinner meal. By eating corn, you are being protected in ways that you probably didn't even know. It contains natural antioxidants that help filter out the sun's damaging rays to your eyes, acting almost as sunglasses. Those same antioxidants lower the risk of a degeneration that can be the cause of blindness. During the summer, sweet corn is incredibly more fresh and flavorful. It's easy to add corn to any meal, whether it be to a salad, as a side dish, or even as a topping for tacos or enchiladas. We are lucky here in Colorado to have such a booming local corn supply.

  • spaxiax, Thinkstock
    spaxiax, Thinkstock


    Savor a juicy cantaloupe with breakfast, lunch, or even dessert! Cantaloupe may be available year round, but during the summer, they are noticeably more sweet and flavorful. Full of vitamin A, eating this fruit is said to help lower the risk of metabolic syndrome and heart disease. This melon is also a natural anti-inflammatory–that being said, we just might have to go get some right now to cure our burning appetite.

  • pinkdonkey, Thinkstock
    pinkdonkey, Thinkstock


    Avocados are another veggie that can be purchased year round, but during the peak season, they are ten times better! A fresh avocado is really yummy when added to sandwiches, salads, or eggs, or you could even whip up some easy, homemade guacamole in just minutes. They contain potassium, and are also a great source of vitamins C and B6. Indulge in this superfood with any meal for a heart-healthy bonus!

  • Sophie Bengtsson, Thinkstock
    Sophie Bengtsson, Thinkstock


    Summer season is peak blueberry season! These little berries contain one of the highest amounts of antioxidants of all fruits, and protect and support the entire body. Ranging from cardiovascular benefits to cognitive and blood sugar well-being, it's easy to see why this fruit is such a fantastic choice for anyone to enjoy. There are so many unique recipes out there that feature blueberries as the main ingredient– from breakfast to dessert, it's up to you to get creative! Tip: Stock up and freeze blueberries during the summer, so that you can enjoy them in the winter months too.

  • anna liebiedieva, Thinkstock
    anna liebiedieva, Thinkstock


    Tomatoes might be bright red, but they can also protect your skin from turning bright red in the hot summer sun. Similar to corn, the lycopene found in tomatoes helps to defend the skin from getting sunburned. Tomatoes are packed with natural anti-oxidants and nutrients and are linked to aiding in healthy hearts and bones. With so many varieties available, you can't go wrong with adding juicy tomatoes to a sandwich, pasta, or even dipping some cherry tomatoes in ranch for a healthy snack.

  • tacar, Thinkstock
    tacar, Thinkstock

    Summer Squash

    What's a better vegetable to eat during the summer than one that actually has summer in its name? Summer squash differs from winter squash, in the fact that it can be eaten in its entirety, rind, seeds, and all. Squash is great no matter how you decide to cook it– grilled, steamed, or even fried.You could add it to a stir fry dish or marinate it in your favorite sauce and throw it on the grill– the possibilities are endless! There are numerous varieties to pick from, depending on what your taste buds prefer. No matter which kind you select, know that by eating summer squash, you are reducing your risk of heart disease and cancer, while also protecting your vision. And ladies good news– because squash contains a high amount of maganese, it can help to control PMS symptoms, such as mood swings and cramps. Keep your eye out for summer squash at your local farmers' markets.

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