The Father of Rock-n-Roll had a bigger influence than you think. If you have ever taken a history of Rock -n- Roll class or ever taken a guitar class, you definitely know the name Chuck Berry. Many guitar classes are full of Chuck Berry riffs that students try to master as they learn the instrument. Students of music classes learn too that Elvis may be deemed as the king of Rock -N- Roll, but Chuck Berry is the founding father of Rock -N- Roll. Here are 5 songs you didn't know were Chucky Berry.

1) Johnnie B. Goode. Most famous for it's stint in Back To The Future when Michael J Fox hops on foot w/ the other foot kicked out, across the stage. But, the song is Chuck Berry's through and through, with one of the most famous song hooks of Rock -n- Roll. Michael J. Fox may have been the face of the song on the big screen, but Chuck Berry is the voice, guitar, and the life of the song.

2) Let It Rock. Close sounding to Johnnie B. Goode but most recognized in a beginners guitar lesson books, Let it Rock is for sure a favorite. Learning riffs often starts from this song and understandably so. If Rock -n- Roll started w/ Chuck Berry, why would you not learn his guitar riffs from the start if you want to learn Rock -N- Roll?

3) Sweet Little Sixteen. If there is one song that you can see the complete influence of Elvis, it's this song. Sweet Little Sixteen is the song and the performance from Chuck Berry that you watch and just think..."Oh that's where Elvis that got from". Even as the great performer that Elvis was, he couldn't quite perform a song like Chuck Berry.

4) Roll Over Beethoven. The one song probably, that everyone has heard but not realized it was Chuck Berry. Most likely apart of every oldies CD, Roll Over Beethoven encompasses all that Rock -N- Roll was and beginning to grow to, at that time in music. Energized, engaging, and equipped with so many guitar riffs, it is the beginning of the Rock -N- Roll era.

5) No Particular Place To Go. I'm sure this was one of the first cruising songs. No Particular Place To Go is a song that shows why people fell in love w/ Chuck Berry. Perfectly timed at the height of an era full of classis cars, convertibles, and Sunday drives. T

Electric guitar on case with orange lighting.
Zoonar RF

his song maybe have been the start of 'cruising', rolling the windows down, and singing along to the radio on sunny, gorgeous Colorado days.

R.I.P Father of Rock -N- Roll and thank you for your incredible talent, influence, and founding of a musical genre that changed the world.

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