Over the weekend, many people took part in 4/20 celebrations across various states. 4/20 of course is a very well known holiday for people to celebrate pot, and one student at the University of California in Santa Cruz really wanted to celebrate with a 2 pound Joint.

Police interrupted a 4/20 party on the campus and confiscated the massive joint because it was bigger than an ounce. The student who had the joint followed the officer through crowd yelling at him and saying it wasn't right that he took it. The student also kept threatening to take the cop to court because what he was doing wasn't right.

The joint was worth around $6,000! I wonder if some of that was his tuition money.

If you're asking the question of why the cops didn't just try and shut this down from the beginning, its because it would cost more money shutting it down rather than just patrolling it.

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