18 severed human heads were found at the Chicago O'Hare Airport a couple of weeks ago and its not a big deal. At least that is how they are acting. When the package was discovered they had no idea where they came from, where they were going or if they were for medical purposes or something more sinister. One would think that if you found severed heads and didn't know where they came from or where they were going, one might be concerned. A spokesman for Homeland Security wasn't too shaken up about it.

"Everybody here is ‘Oh my gosh, you got a box of heads and everybody thinks that it's unheard of."

Ummm, YEAH! I would think that it is unheard of. Jeez.

It turns out the heads are from Italy for medical use and were held due to improper paperwork. Note to self: when shipping heads, make sure that your paper work is in order.


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