It’s usually cute when kids ask for Christmas gifts that Santa could never deliver. But a 13-year-old girl from England has taken a timeless holiday tradition to a scary, creepy and disturbing new level.

In her “Dear Santa” letter the little girl asks for: A blackberry, Austin Mahone or Justin Bieber (the real one), money, a Laura Knitted 33 Jumper, or High-top converse shoes.

She then threatens Santa, telling him, “Remember, two of these things, or you die.”

She’s threatening Santa for presents!

According to the International Business Times the 13-year-old is named Mekeeda and her letter started like this:

This Christmas, I don't ask for much so if I don't get at least two of these things I want, I will literally KILL you! Do you understand?! Oh, also, I'll hunt down your reindeers, cook them & serve their meat to homeless people on Christmas Day.

I only wish I were making this story up.

But it gets worse; her mother (who found the letter in her school bag) doesn’t even seem fazed by it. According to the story she is planning no discipline and instead has promised to try and meet her daughter's demands. She said,

When I first found the letter I thought it was funny, now I think I better get her what she wants, the last thing I want is for her to kill Santa.

Are you kidding me?!

This is what is wrong with the world.

Murder, harassment and extortion aren't "funny." But those are what the underlying themes of this letter and I don't care how cute you think your kid is, you should not be allowing that kind of behavior.

And what does Mekeeda have to say about it?

I don't see any problem with the letter, I want all of these things and I don't see why I shouldn't get them.

I do.

And I hope Santa leaves you and your mother a big sack of coal this year, and every year from now on.

You can read the full text of little Mekeeda’s letter, see a scan of it, and read more of the story from International Business Times.

And Mekeeda, here's a lesson for you that your mother must have forgotten to teach you. You can't always have what you want.

If I were Santa and received that letter, I'd get a restraining order against you and do everything in my power to make sure you never, EVER get any of those things on your list.

Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography, Flicker (The girl in the photo is NOT the girl who wrote the letter)

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