
I love when stories come out of kids thinking and creating! This kid's parents kicked him off of Facebook because they didn't like the fact that there was inappropriate content on there, people swearing and well some sketchy older people that friended him. Rather than throwing a fit like most kids do these days when their parents take away something, Zach Marks was proactive.  He found out there really wasn't anything that was safe AND cool for kids on the web so he wanted to create the ultimate place for kids. Cue the start of 'Grom Social' a social networking site for kids.

The site is for ages 16 and under and promotes safe and cool internet fun and it kind of takes a D.A.R.E approach to things, “No Bullies, and saying No to drugs and smoking” . He started it up with his parents and it already has 7,000 accounts. His parents make sure that the site is safe and up to standards and there are filters in the site that are in place and live monitoring as well as adult forum monitors. Emails are sent to parents / guardians to advise them of their child’s contacts and which topics their child is interested in.

If you are wondering what a Grom is, it is  ‘A promising young individual who is quick to learn’. The term is usually applied to boarders or surfers.

Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think it will take off? Wanna sign up your kids? CLICK HERE

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