Most people try and get the caffeine 'fix' with coffee, soda or energy drinks. But there have been a number of other products infused with caffeine and marketed to the masses. Below I've laid out 10 of the strangest caffeinated products I've ever heard of.

But, adding what will be  number 11 on that list, today I tried caffeinated meat. I'm not sure the world is ready for Perky Jerky, but it is here.

I saw someone at the Gotye concert last week wearing a shirt that read, "Everyone Wants My Meat," on the front. And "Perky Jerky, Caffeinated Jerky," on the back.

Benao eats Perky Jerky

I was intrigued and blown away that someone had found a way to caffeinate meat, and when I was talking with a friend of mine about it he said he actually had some sample bags of the stuff and I was welcome to try it.

And try it I did.

I had their Turkey Perky Jerky and I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it tasted like -- sweet jerky. No real surprise there.

The package claimed it was flavored with guarana and was a "nutritious snack and a good source of protein for active lifestyles." After doing a little research I found that a serving has about as much caffeine as 2 cans of Red Bull.

Did I feel a caffiene rush or extra energy after eating it? No, but it was tasty (And I only had two sample bags, which wouldn't even equal a full serving). And I'm guessing anyone with a late night hankering for beef jerky would grab a bag of this in a heartbeat.

This got me thinking about what other crazy caffeine concoctions there are and here's 10 of the other strangest things I've found:

Perky Jerky

Click here and you can see what 'normal foods' have the most caffeine from Self Nutrition Data. (Coffee and tea products make up most of the first page of listings.)

After looking at all of these I have decided that as a society we may have a problem. That much caffeine in everything can't be good for anyone.

That being said, if someone put another bag of Perky Jerky in front of me, it would still end up in my belly.

I loves me some jerky.

What is the strangest extra-caffeinated product you've ever eaten?

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