The Women's athletic department at the University of Northern Colorado invite everyone out for their 7th annual Women's Walk. It's a fun event and you even get doused with paint!

Get covered in paint? Sure, why not. The idea on this walk is for everyone to wear white at the staring line and then along the walk route, student athletes will throw powdered paint on you. Of course the paint is non-toxic and when you get done, you'll look just a like a 60's tie-dyed hippie!

How fun! But if you don't want to have that much fun there will be a non-color route to walk as well where the rambunctious students won't be throwing paint. Let's be honest, what fun is that?  I suggest you wear white and take the 'color' route.

The walk takes about 30 minutes and fun for the whole family, especially the kids.

The Women's Walk is a critical fundraiser for women’s athletic scholarships and helps stabilize our men’s programs. It is a fun, family-friendly way to connect or re-connect with UNC student-athletes, coaches, staff and alumni.

Photo from UNC Bears Volleyball Facebook
Photo from UNC Bears Volleyball Facebook

The event takes place on Saturday, April 25. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m. and the walk starts at 10:00 a.m. Breakfast will be provided by Sprouts Farmers Market and everyone will win a prize just for supporting the run. There will also be a short program after the walk by UNC student athletes.

If you want to help support the UNC Women athletes, this is a great event to get behind and if you can't make the walk, you can actually do a 'cyber walk' and get involved that way. For more information or to get registered, just click on the red link directly below.

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