Many companies these days are experimenting with flexible work hours in an attempt to increase employee productivity. Traditionally, most companies allow their sales force to work away from the office, however many companies are looking to expand this opportunity to other employees. Even the U.S. Government, in a recent report said that 47% of its employees were eligible to telework.

With companies trying to increase workforce productivity while cutting costs, many have been looking towards reaserchers to determine the effectiveness of working away from the office. A round-table discussion was conducted by the Guardian and Powwowwnow to discuss some of the concerns. While some companies like Yahoo have tries to eradicate telecommuting, here are some of the positive results outside of working in your underwear from the round-table discussion.

- Remote workers are less stressed

- Remote workers cost less

- Remote workers are more engaged

- Remote venues are better than the office

- Commuting is bad for you

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