This film is based on a "true story" in which some one has a dybbuk box which is a box that holds the spirit of a demon. In the movie, the family comes across one of these in a garage sale and they have no idea what it is. The little girl becomes attached to it, and obsessed with it. She figures out that she can open it and then the demon begins to posses her. The family then has to figure out a way to get their little girl back and put the demon back in the box.

This film used great visuals and creepy music to set the tone and didn't rely on gore to get the horror aspect across. It had somewhat of a compelling story line and the acting was great! The main little girl was phenomenal! A couple of problems that I had was the opening scene and some of the editing. The opening scene intros us to a lady trying to destroy the box but it doesn't explain why she has it in the first place. Not a big deal but I would have liked a little bit more. The other thing was some of the editing. At times it seemed like the scene just ended, as if they were cutting to a commercial. Again, not a big deal, but kind of annoying.

I almost forgot the coolest thing about this movie! Matisyahu stars in it!!!! He plays a Jewish rabbi that tries to help the family. I think he did an amazing job as an actor!

Over all this is a pretty creepy flick and if you like horror movies the you should check it out!

I give it 3 1/2 out of 5 demon boxes

'The Possession' is Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material involving violence and disturbing sequences.

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