Sure, lots of people jokingly give you warnings about parenthood, but somehow I don't remember any real description of what can be the most challenging moments of my day. Let's start with the picture above. "Mama, can you please get these fairy wings to stay on my pony?" Oh gee, of course, I totally know how to do that....not! Of course there are the many moments of pure endurance to get through the next 5 minutes without screaming or laying on the floor to throw my own temper tantrum. And then the times I have to get creative to give the 9 month old twins something new to play with so they'll stop climbing my legs. Luckily rubber spatulas and tupperware work well. One of the hardest things to deal with is the blowout. One of the twins has a blowout every single time he poops. "It" squishes up out of the back of his diaper, on his clothes and out of the safe zone. Where do you even start with these? It's amateur hour everytime it happens, poop on him, poop on me, poop everywhere.

"Twins with spatulas" Kama/TSM
"Twins with spatulas" Kama/TSM

I could go on with the challenges I face that are often times harder than anything I've ever done before. But like all the Moms before me, we get through, often times not knowing where we draw the know-how to do it. All I can say is parenting is way different than I always thought about it being. It is truly a very selfless act.

Want more Motherhood Without Warning? Click Here.


My name is Kama and I'm a Mom...and that just freaks me out sometimes. I'm a bunch of other things that used to seem really important, but somehow being a Mom blurs those other things into mush. I have a 3-1/2 year old daughter and infant twin boys. Everyday I have a "holy s**t, I can't believe I'm a Mom" moment and those get shared here.

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