So even though I consider myself to be an 90's child, I fell in love with movies from the 80's at a young age. Think about some of the great movies from that decade, and the ones that when you look back on them they were a little weird. How about some of these 80's classics?

Remember Howard The Duck?

How about License to Drive?

Or the classic Lost Boys?

When I heard the news this week that The Breakfast Club was coming back to theatres, to say I was stoked is an understatement. That's right all you Molly Ringwald fans. Hollywood now has your chance to see her and the rest of the Brat Pack on the big screen coming up in March. The movie, which is celebrating it's 30th anniversary, will be screened across the country March 26th and 31st. It will be a newly restored version of the movie so it should be interesting to see what they come up with.

Tickets are available now for the movie and it can be seen locally in theaters located in Denver and Westminster. Click here to buy your tickets!


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