space travel

Real Starship Enterprise Just 20 Years Away? Stuff That’s Cool [VIDEOS]
Real Starship Enterprise Just 20 Years Away? Stuff That’s Cool [VIDEOS]
Real Starship Enterprise Just 20 Years Away? Stuff That’s Cool [VIDEOS]
If you know me, you also know I'm a Star Trek fan.  I don't think I'm quite as hard core a fan as some folks, but I did go to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas a few times before they tore it out.  So I'm enough of a fan to think that building a real, working USS Enterprise starship is a fantastic idea.  One engineer has that dream, and he says it's completely possible with current technology.
A Trip Around The Moon?
A Trip Around The Moon?
A Trip Around The Moon?
"To the moon, Alice", may be more of a reality now than just a saying. Space Adventures, a company based out of Virginia whose goal is to take private citizens to space, added another seat to a spacecraft meant to take tourists around the moon.