Recently, and by recently I mean today, the Supreme Court shot down California on their attempt to keep children from purchasing violent video games, stating that the law from 2005 was a violation of speech.

Video games qualify for First Amendment protection," the Court said in its ruling, written by Justice Antonin Scalia. "Like protected books, plays, and movies, they communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to the medium. And 'the basic principles of freedom of speech ... do not vary' with a new and different communication medium."

As a fellow gamer, this makes me very happy. It now means that video games are now protected under free speech!

Now, some parents are upset about this, saying that the violent video games need to be regulated. My opinion is, the parents should be paying attention to what their kids are watching and playing. It seems today that a lot of people are looking for a place to blame for why their kids have problems.  I have been playing video games since I was a young lad and every time I got a new game, my parents would be right there to look it over and watch me play it to see if ti was fit. I think that if the parents just pay more attention to what their kids are playing, watching, doing there wouldn't have been a waste of tax payers money to take this law to court. Video Games have ratings for a reason, just like movies, they are there to help you know what is in the game.

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Video Game industry Responses: Click Here

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