Sometimes I hate the age that we live in. It is way to easy for people to spoil tv shows or movies now and days thanks to social media.


Now, this may be partly my fault because I don't have cable so I tend to watch stuff a day or even a week later than most people. Since I don't watch regular tv, if something drastic happens in one of my shows that I watch I usually know about it before I get to watch the episode. People take to Facebook and Twitter and start talking about who kissed who, who died and blah, blah, blah. Spoilers everywhere!

I don't understand why people do this? I get that you may want to talk about it, but that is what phones, hanging out or even the chat function on Facebook is for! Sure, you can update your status about how you can't believe that happened or whatever but don't give details! Come on! It's even happening in commercials! I am watching 'The Following' on Hulu and during the ad breaks they are showing clips from the upcoming episode which kind of ruins the suspense that is happening for me in the current episode that I am watching.

I miss the days of the only spoilers I was getting was from my uncle or my cousin who would see a movie before me and give away details with out realizing it. And all that did was teach me to go to the movies before them! The only cure for this current world of spoilers is unplug yourself completely.

Again, this may be my fault because I watch things at a later time, but even still, I know I am not the only one that gets mad about people spoiling stuff in a status update. I see it and hear about it all the time.

Simple Solution, wait to take about something for a while or better yet just don't post a status update about anything major happening unless you use the disclaimer: SPOILERS before your post.


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