I have loved Halloween since I was just a wee boy. The problem was, my parents usually insisted on making my costumes because it was cheaper. Honestly, in my older wiser age, I am glad that they made me do that because I pretty much do that every year now. I like to try and make my costume by going around to thrift stores and what not or just trying to make it myself. So, thanks parents for not really buying me costumes when I was younger and helping me be more creative in my older years. So with out further adu, here is some of my costumes from a kid. Notice I am wearing a coat in a couple. That is because back in my day it always, ALWAYS snowed on Halloween.

  • Sheet Ghost

    The classic "pull a sheet off of the bed to make a ghost" costume

  • The Hobo

    Lets just get some clothes you don't wear anymore and throw in a tie and put some coffee grounds on your face and you are a classic hobo. Don't forget your stick!

  • The 4th grade pirate

    This is probably the most store bought items I used for a costume when I was a kid. But if you notice, no pirate jacket or pants. Just flannel and jeans. YAR!

  • Winter Coat Zorro

    What really makes this costume was the fact that I was bundled up almost like the kid from 'A Christmas Story'! In hindsight I should have just gone as him that year.

  • Marvin the Martian

    This one is a little hard to see because I had my grandma take a picture of a picture. But I think this is the best costume that I had that was homemade.


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