I am going to start this review off a little bit differently than I normally have, with the following sentence. I expected more out of this film.  I remember when I first heard about it, I was a little put off with Kristen Stewart as Snow White. Then the trailers made it look like Charlize Theron was going to be a big part and her role looked awesome! But the film itself was decent but lacking. When I say it was decent but lacking I mean, it was visually amazing, but the plot and dialogue could have used more. The dialogue between characters wasn't really there and I am pretty sure at one point there was at least 5 minutes of nothing, which is ok for some films, but not this. The story is a good story but they seemed to kind of just skim over it, they really didn't dive deep into the lore of Snow White. There also could have been more action. The trailer led me to believe that there was going to be a lot, but honestly the little action that there was seemed very rushed. On a different note, Charlize Theron as the evil queen was awesome!

It is not a bad movie in any sense but they could have done a lot more with it and if I were to change anything about it I would get a different actress to play Snow White. In my opinion there are far better choices that Kristen Stewart. I recommend watching it for Charlize as the evil queen.

Over all I give it 3 out of 5 poisoned apples

'Snow White and the Huntsman' is Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, and brief sensuality.

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