If you've ever had your card or bank information stolen, you know it sucks! Six men and women are facing federal charges for the use of counterfeit credit cars at Colorado and Wyoming fast food restaurants.

Spencer Platt, Getty Images
Spencer Platt, Getty Images

The six suspects from New York are being charged with conspiracy to commit access device fraud. Federal documents show the accused suspects of using the bogus cards to purchase gift cards. How much did they get away with before they got caught? Quite a bit actually. According to the documents and officials with the McDonald's Corporation, more than $10,000 in gift cards were purchased in Northern Colorado and in Denver. Authorities stated that more than 1,000 gift cards were confiscated as well as a card reader and a printing machine to produce the cards.


$10,000 in gift cards? If you think about it, that is a lot of Mcflurries and french fries!


Source: Coloradoan


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