In a recent interview, 'Wheel of Fortune' host Pat Sajak admitted that he used to host drunk at times when he was younger.He talks about how he and Vanna would go across the street to a restaurant during their lunch breaks and get a couple of margaritas.

Vanna and I would go across and have two or three or six and then come and do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet. They're really great tapes to get a hold of. I had a great time. I have no idea if the shows were any good, but no one said anything, so I guess I did OK."

I used to watch 'Wheel of Fortune' every night with my parents when I was younger, so when I first read this I was trying to remember if any episodes seemed off to me. But, thanks to television I have about a 5 second memory, so I couldn't think of any.

Go Pat Sajak!

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