Of all the things to do with a stolen goat, to give it a pedicure would have never crossed my mind. At least it was an original prank. A couple of pranksters in San Diego decided that they wanted to steal a friendly goat from a petting zoo, so the hopped the fence and snatched the little guy. But the kicker is, they returned him!  The owner of the goat says that he is a sweet goat and more like a dog than a goat. He will crawl in your lap and give you kisses. I am not sure why the thieves returned him, maybe that was their intention all along.

The hopped the fence around 2 am and then returned the goat the next day all dolled up with pink nails. The owner is happy that he is returned and doesn't want to press charges, but the police would still like to ask them some questions.

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