Who wants to see O.A.R.? Even better, who wants to see them at Red Rocks on July 15th? Listen all day on Tuesday to have a chance to win tickets to this show!O.A.R. stands for, "Of A Revolution" and without any formal marketing or advertising plans, news of their songs such as "That Was a Crazy Game of Poker," "City on Down," and "Night Shift" spread by word of mouth alone. Over the years, the band played as many shows as they could, expanding from the fraternities and sororities of Ohio State to any audiences that cared to listen.

The band's Heard The World foundation was founded to support youth, education and sustainable programs both in the U.S. and abroad.

The band teamed up with the large US defense contractor, SAIC, to raise money for the Paralyzed Veterans of America, a service organization focused on assisting veterans with spinal cord injuries and diseases, through digital downloads of the band's song "Light Switch Sky." Proceeds from downloads of the song through July 22, 2010 will support paralyzed veterans. The song was co-written by O.A.R. and its fans through a competition on Twitter.

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