If dancing with a stuffed antelope head isn't entertainment, I don't know what is.

Okay, so I don't really care for hunting or anything but I saw SPELLS play at The Overland this past week and captured perfect Snaps of Ben Roy grabbing the antelope taxidermy from a wall and parading it around. (Apparently it's very dirty and was shedding all over him...gross.) The following day, my boyfriend Aaron and I were extras in the band's upcoming music video - Aaron can be seen bowling into a pile of books during the video shoot!

I also discovered I have a really weird laugh when Aaron and I do the "Superman" and I'm the only one who loves Vietnamese soup puns like "Sunday Pho-nday."

Check out my second-ever Snap Rodeo starring Aaron, Jaq Jaq, and myself below and feel free to add me as a friend on Snapchat, @famerobot.


    Want more Snap Rodeo? Here's my first one.

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