Nails on a chalkboard.  The mere thought of this sound makes me cringe, and I know I'm not the only one.  But did you know that some people can be sent into a rage or made sick by some sounds?  It's called misophonia; and as people like Emma Riehl know, it can be quite debilitating.


People who have misophonia are most commonly annoyed, or even enraged, by such ordinary sounds as other people eating, breathing, or coughing; certain consonants; or repetitive sounds...Though a few sufferers are bothered by sounds they make themselves, most are not. The reactions are completely involuntary.

[via Wikipedia.]

The Huffington Post reports that misophonia can make it difficult to stay in relationships, since over time sufferers can be triggered by the noises their partner makes.

Maybe it would help if sufferers visited the world's quietest room for a few minutes!

Now for the rest of the day I'm going to be super-conscious of all the sounds around me!  As a radio DJ, that's a lot of noise!

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