Yes, you read right May is the mouth dedicated to awareness of Zombies taking over the Earth. This is according to Matt Mogk, the founder and head of the Zombie Research Society. He says that, "Zombie Awareness Month is designed to make people more aware of the coming zombie plague," that could happen in the future.
Why was May chosen instead of oh October (Halloween)? The reason Mogk gives is because all major zombie films like "Night of the Living Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead" are set in the spring. Mogk wants to make sure all future generations know about the zombie plague so he is wring a kids book.
The book titled That's Not Your Mommy Anymore" (Ulysses Press), he describes as "Dr. Seuss Meets 'Night of the Living Dead.'" ( Sounds like a great bed time book lol )
Those supporters of Zombie Awareness month are wearing gray ribbons to show their support.
So if you are person who wants to make sure everyone knows Zombies could take over any minute (or not) now you know you have a month to spread the word! Make sure you dress up too I think it will help make more of an impact!

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