To quote a famous teacher, "Drugs are bad, Mkay?"  A Florida teen apparently had a really bad trip on some synthetic marijuana. So bad in fact that he felt it was necessary to call the cops. Twice. The 18-year-old teen called 911 dispatch twice to try and explain that everything in his dreams were happening for real.

He made his first call around 7pm:

Dispatcher: What’s happening?Welch: Everything that happened today is actually in my dream, and I want to prove it to everybody.

Dispatcher: What did you dream about that’s happening?

Welch: It’s all on paper. I wrote it down.

Officers were sent to his house were they found out he had smoked synthetic pot and they told him not to call 911 again or he would be arrested. The teens parents even went as far as hiding the phone from him but that didn't stop him. He went to his neighbors house 40 min later and called 911 again.

The officer told me not to call back. And he said if I called back, then y'all were going to take me to court. So, I'm calling back."

Officers returned to his house and arrested him for misuse of the 911 emergency system, a first degree misdemeanor.

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