I always thought it would be cool to have a twin brother.  Having someone to be completely interchangeable with could definitely make for some entertaining antics.  But having an identical "partner in crime" gets a lot less fun when there's actual crime involved!

Mitch Torbett spent two days in jail for a federal crime that his deceased twin brother committed, according to The Huffington Post.

The double trouble started when Torbett applied for a construction permit in Signal Mountain and, after running his driver's license, officials discovered a federal warrant for his arrest.

Although Torbett told police the federal warrant had to be linked to Michael, his now-deceased identical twin, officials arrested him and turned over the case to the FBI.

Eventually, the FBI discovered the mistake and Torbett was released immediately.  He's now working on a civil lawsuit against the police department.

The local police department says this sort of thing happens with twins a lot, according to WRCB.

Suddenly, having a twin doesn't seem quite so appealing!

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