How many times have you seen that weird little bar code thing at stores that say "Scan me to get more info" or Scan me to receive a special deal" ? Well, now those can be used for so much more. A headstone company has developed them to attach to headstones to create somewhat of a "living headstone". You pull out your smart phone and scan the QR code and it pulls up a webpage about the deceased and it can have everything from pictures to videos of them as well as stories about their lives. A cool concept? Yes. But, I am not sure I want to go to a cemetery to pay my respects and see a whole bunch of people on their cell phones, going from headstone to headstone, playing the proverbial 'Pokemon' hunter by trying to "catch them all." I think I will hold off until they have holographic headstones! Now that would be something to see!

What are your thoughts? Would you want something like this on your headstone?

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