Most of the time, time taken off work is for good reason.  A sibling's wedding, old friends coming to visit, or just a relaxing vacation are all pretty legitimate reasons to spend some of those hours of time off we work so hard to earn.  But when you're a lawyer in a federal case, take note: you better have a better reason for time off than a look-alike contest!

The lawyer in question was set to begin work on a federal trial in Tampa, but submitted a request to the judge in writing to make sure he had one particular evening off.

"Undersigned counsel, a perennial contestant in the Ernest Hemingway Look-alike Contest, is scheduled to appear … at Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West, Florida, at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, July 20, 2012," wrote St. Petersburg lawyer Frank Louderback, who sports the necessary facial hair and has thrice competed for the title.

The judge responded with no shortage of class and wit.

"Between a murder-for hire trial and an annual look-alike contest, surely Hemingway, a perfervid admirer of 'grace under pressure' would choose the trial," judge Steven Merryday wrote. "Perhaps a lawyer who evokes Hemingway can resist relaxing frolic in favor of solemn duty," he continued. "Or at least, 'Isn't it pretty to think so?'" he asked, quoting The Sun Also Rises. "Best of luck to counsel in next year's contest," Merryday wrote. "The motion ... is DENIED."

[via Newser.]

Word to the wise: If you're a public servant who wants time off, you should either legitimately have a better reason than this, or just make one up!  There, we all learned something today!

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