Dash the Dead is this weekend (Oct. 20th) and it's all about trying to out run zombies. They are going to chase after you trying to get your life flags and you need to out run and survive obstacles to succeed. Since zombies are the key element I decided in honor of Dash the Dead I would share my favorite non-scary zombie movies because the zombie apocalypse doesn't have to be scary! I am talking about how it was more the zombies that made the movie than the actual "stars" in the film that try to survive. Let us begin :)

5. 'Redneck Zombies'

This movie is so dumb that I had to include it on here. I have Beano to thank for showing me this really stupid movie. It's like a nuclear blast, you can't look away, even though you really want to. I include it on here because its not your typical zombie and hey, I bet you have never seen a redneck zombie. Watch this one only if you are in the mood for a movie that is really, really cheesy and dumb. I mean really, really dumb. Oh! And it is very, very, VERY gory, as you can tell from the trailer.

4. 'FIDO'

This is a zombie movie that takes a different route of telling the zombie story. What if we could train them like pets? This is another one of those fun zombie movies that also has a message in it. It's set in the 50's so that adds even more greatness to the film.

3.'Aaah! Zombies!!'

This is a goofy movie that reverses the roles. A group of people are zombies but they don't know it. They are walking around as "normal" people in their minds and they think everyone else is infected and acting crazy when in reality, the normal people are just trying to survive against them. This is a different kind of zombie movie. Funny, dumb, and zombies, what more could you ask for?

2.' Zombieland'

I had to put this on here for one simple fact. Zombie Bill Murry. That is all. No need to write more about it.

1.  'Shaun of the Dead'

This has got to be one of the greatest zombie movies ever made. It has some epic zombie moments in it, including zombie twins, a  zombie cameo of Chris Martin from Coldplay, zombie game shows and on of the greatest zombie fights ever sync'd to a song by Queen. Plus a zombie best friend to play video games with would make the apocalypse a little more enjoyable.

There are my top movie where the zombies are awesome. As you you can see, not really that scary movies. Sure, I could have put 'Resident Evil' on here or 'The Crazies' because those zombies are pretty bad a** but a zombie movie doesn't have to be scary to have awesome zombies in it!

Dash the Dead is an all ages event and is this Saturday at Boardwalk Park in Windsor and you can get tickets by clicking here. Dash the Dead is brought to you by NoCo Adventures and is benefiting the Doctors of Wellness and Health.

Infected with fun, this family friendly run is contagious. The obstacles, mud, and running are the easy part. Set yourself loose go for a run in the cool crisp air, through the brilliant colors of the changing leaves and prepare to be chased by ZOMBIES. Plus this event wont cost you and arm and a leg.

If you don't feel like trying to out run the undead you can start out as a zombie and attack the living right from the start!

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