I know what you are thinking right now after reading that title, YUCK! I thought the same thing, but apparently the Hulkster had some fun after his divorce from Linda back in '07. He says during the 4-month period he went crazy. In fact, he bedded so many woman, he said he doesn't know who the brunette is in the sex tape.He reportedly told TMZ;

It wasn't just one brunette I was running wild for a few months. I don't even remember people's names much less girls.

The Hulk also stated that the video had to have been about 5 years old and he has no idea why someone would hold on to it for so long then release it. He was also appalled and stated that someone taped it with out him knowing and he plans on taking steps to enforce civil and criminal liability.

Looks like a lot of woman need to get check out for Hulkamania.

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