I am a huge fan of the Key of Awesome and have posted quite a few of their videos right here on the website. They do such a great job parodying songs such as Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, One Direction and more. One of the shinning parodies that they do is Pitbull.

One of the main actors on the Key of Awesome team, Todd Womack, does such a killer Pitbull impression that they thought it would be great for him to do a video with the real Pitbull. I couldn't agree more! From the first Pitbull video they did I thought that it would be great if they could get together.

They are trying to make it a reality and have started the Pitbull Challenge in which they want you to take to social media to get Pitbull's attention and get him to star in a Key of Awesome video. Please, lets make this happen! And remember DALE'

This video explains what you can do to help.

So lets take to twitter and youtube and make this happen!

Here are their Pitbull Parodies

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