Apparently sexism and stereotypes are alive and well in Germany. The town of Triberg has decided that woman need help parking. They have designated male and female parking spots. The female spots at the car park are wider with lots of light and the male spots are next to concrete pillars and can only be backed in to. The Mayor of the town made the decision because he said that woman find parking trickier and claims that it is not sexist because the women are free to try and park in the men spots. There has been an uproar about the mayors decision and he is a little shocked stating;

I never expected this reaction. I’ve been on the phone all day, the TV will come. I am happy, and it looks like we’ve hit a raw nerve in society. It’s been a great marketing gimmick. Women can come here and prove me wrong, and while they’re at it, they can see the town’s attractions.”

So what do you think about the mayor's choice? Sexist or do you agree that women should have separate parking spots?

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