With all of the controversy over hydraulic fracturing in Northern Colorado lately, it's getting hard to ignore the issue and impeding debate. In Fort Collins a five-year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing is headed to a vote on the November ballot and there is heated discussion in other communities as well.In the end how will you decide which side of the fence you are on personally? It's a complex issue and unless you know the arguments for and against the drilling practice, making a decision becomes rather tough. That's wherethe documentary 'FrackNation' comes in, a feature by journalist Phelim Mcaleer who searches for the truth about fracking. The film will be show at Loveland's Rialto Theater on Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30PM.

What's the documentary all about you ask?

It all started when Mcaleer began searching for the real answers to some tough questions on the debated drilling practice. He attended a Q&A session on fracking and found that many of the experts couldn't fully answer his questions, instead they began talking around the tough questions and never directly answered them. That's what sparked Mcaleer's desire to investigate and document his findings in the film 'Fracknation.' Mcaleer travels the world from Poland to the UK to Texas to right here in Colorado, seeking answers to his questions about hydraulic fracturing. He interviews people along the way who have dealt with the issue and have gas leases on their property as well as scientists and doctors. What does he conclude? You'll have to come watch the screening to find out!

If you are looking to learn more about fracking and explore a journalist's approach as he sought answers for himself, then consider attending the screening this Tuesday evening. Here is a look at the trailer for 'FrackNation.'

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