A month ago, I came across the story of Igor Vovkovinskiy, the tallest man in the US, and his quest to rid himself of constant pain by finding someone to make him a pair of shoes that actually fit.  If you missed that one, read it here.  This morning, I discovered a story from the Huffington Post about his continuing journey.

Vovkovinskiy was at Reebok headquarters in Canton on Thursday for a complex shoe-fitting that involved, among other things, custom pressure-mounting equipment, imprints in bio-foam, a powerful three-dimension scanner to map the shape of his feet, calipers to take precise measurements of length, tape measures and a handful of technicians.

The shoes will cost between $12,000 and $20,000!  Below is a video of him being measured and tested for his new shoes.  It's good to know he won't be in pain very much longer!

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