This story kind of made me sad. I always had a lot of fun dressing up when I was younger and then going to school and showing off my costumes. Granted, most of them were homemade but that never stopped me from wanting to dress up! We always had Halloween parties and exchanged candy. It was the joy of being a kid! An Elementary School in Seattle said no to having kids dress up this year.   “This year there won’t be any Halloween costumes allowed,” said Teresa Wippel, a spokesperson for Seattle Public Schools. BOOOOO! The said they are banning costumes because it would take away from valuable learning time. What happened to the joys of having a little fun at school too? I think that this is a little ridiculous. But that is just my opinion and probably most of the kids. Here is what one student said.

“I was just really sad and I had to fight back tears,” disappointed fourth-grader Leilani Nitkey said.


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