
According to the Daily Beast Denver is the most fit city in America. Go us!

(We’re only 45 miles away, so we can still claim credit right?)

The Daily Beast ranked the top 30 fittest cities in the country by looking at two major studies:  The American College of Sports Medicine’s American Fitness Index and the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index and concluded the Denver, Colorado is home to most in-shape residents in our country.

Here’s what they found out about Denver:

  • Residents who performed physical activity in the last 30 days: 83.3%
  • Obese: 18.8%
  • In excellent or very good health: 61.7%
  • Gallup physical well-being index rank: 20 of 188
  • Gallup healthy-behavior index rank: 40 of 188

Rounding out the top 5 cities were San Francisco, Washington DC, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and Boston.

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