This is one of those stories that I had to read a couple of times to make sure that it wasn't a joke. 15 years ago, the small Alaskan town of Talkeetna had elections and the residents didn't really care for anybody on the ballot so they wrote in a kitten named Stubbs.  That's crazy enough, but what is even crazier is he is still mayor to this day.The population of the town is about 900 and the actual role of mayor is more of an honorary role since the town is a "historical district". But, the residents love him none the less. Laurie Stec runs a store, Nagley's, where the mayor likes to hang out. "He doesn't raise our taxes - we have no sales tax. He doesn't interfere with business,” she told CNN. “He's honest.”

All throughout the day I have to take care of the mayor. He's very demanding," Nagley’s employee Skye Farrar told CNN. "He meowed and meowed and meowed and demanded to be picked up and put on the counter. And he demanded to be taken away from the tourists. Then he had his long, afternoon nap."

Do you think your pet would make a great leader?

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