It's always nice to hear about new businesses starting in Fort Collins, rather than old ones ending.  And personally, I love seeing new restaurants pop up.  Maybe that's why this story jumped out at me today...

...or maybe it's because it makes me think of my favorite South Park character!

Viacom via YouTube
Viacom via YouTube

Gerisel “Kiko” Haro and Alan Bacani, two former California residents, plan to open a new restaurant called "Butters" at 1220 W. Elizabeth St. in the Campus West area of Fort Collins, this September.  And they swear the South Park character had nothing to do with the name!

All kidding aside, I'm already anxious to try this place.  The owners told the Coloradoan it'll be kind of like Snooze, but with a California flair.  Sounds good to me!

Haro said he liked the size and feel of Fort Collins and the 2,640-square-feet location near campus. The atmosphere at the 90-seat restaurant will be modern and classy, he said, and feature breakfast and lunch, beer and wine.

So what do you think about the idea of "Butters?"  Leave a comment and let us know!

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