
When this email hit my inbox, I read it right away, as just glancing at my email inbox can be incredibly overwhelming because I don't delete enough, respond enough or even know why I get so many emails. So I appreciate these 5 rules for email sanity sent to my inbox by BeMoreWithLess.

  1. Stop checking email every 5 minutes. 2-3 times per day is plenty.
  2. Turn off all email alerts on your phone and computer. Don’t let email run your day.
  3. Be invisible. Gmail and other email announces to everyone on your list when you are online often prompting people to say “Hi” or “I have a quick question”. Change your settings to invisible so when you are working on email, you can work on email.
  4. Respond in 5 sentences or less.
  5. Be transparent. Don’t make a recipient guess what your email is about. Expect a quicker response when your subject line is crystal clear.

Read the rest of this blog and other great ones at BeMoreWithLess.

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